You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2012.

a return to form says the review in the paper
as if today has a bearing on some yesterday long forgotten
the form is beside the point
the return a curse rewritten
something tired and already said
a return
a rerun
a curse rewritten and best left unread

A perfectly nice lady walked by today
Said I must have gotten some sun
I’d been crying
How many streams have strummed down these freckled cheeks, the chords bitter, sad tears
Rueful and grudging

That the enemy might pay!

But on the dark moonlit side,
My gaze, stone
I do not regret the tears I’ve caused
Bitter, bitter
words I’ve said in spite
Rueful and judging

That I might pay!


You might have had a point.

Potential realized. I see it now, not fuzzy or with critique.  A moment of feigned…what? What? A moment of feigned something

We have a mutual understanding or I had an understanding of you. Blink, glimpse, gone.

SOB with me

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